Matt Spampinato
Matt Spampinato founded Spampinato Guitars in 2016 after completing two years of rigorous study with Edward Victor Dick at the Colorado School of Lutherie and Victor Guitars. Matt is a retired Denver Public School teacher of 25 years, and is the creator of the Thomas Jefferson High School Center for Communication Technology, where he taught subjects as diverse as photojournalism to robotics. A life-long carpenter, Matt has decided to devote his artistry to building custom, handmade guitars and repairing all varieties of plucked instruments. “When I’m building and repairing guitars, I feel as if I am adding to the aesthetic inventory of our musical and artistic community; it’s most rewarding to see a musician play one of my instruments and not only experience the satisfaction with my work, but using that guitar or ukulele to entertain others. It’s rewarding to feel as if a part of me is now part of that performance.” Now with his nephew Mason on board, who not only brings his natural craftsmanship to the table, but also his professional guitarist’s ear to the process, the two have created a formidable, full service luthier shop. You can contact Matt at 720-638-1944 or matt@spampinatoguitars.com

Mason Shelmire
Mason has always had a close relationship with his Uncle Matt and when he expressed interest in the guitar making field, he never knew it would quickly turn into his passion, and as a team they would make this into a new thriving business. Mason got his start playing guitar and bass and attended The University of Colorado Denver for music performance. Since then, he’s completed dozens of national tours with many bands including one of Denver’s premier groups, Eldren. When he’s not on the road, he loves devoting all his time in the shop learning the ins and outs of lutherie. “After years of devotion to musical performance, and now stepping into the other side and really understanding how to make instruments function to their highest capabilities--as well as building custom instruments to provide the subtleties you just can’t get from big manufacturers--has really become my calling,” said Mason. Having a pro player work on your guitar brings an elevated level to the final quality control process that guarantees proper intonation and playability at the professional level. Spampinato Guitar customers highly value that extra level of expertise. You can contact Mason at 720-638-1944 or mason@spampinatoguitars.com

Henry the Shop Dog
Meet our newest employee, Henry. He comes to us from Eagle, Colorado, and his specialty is greeting our customers with a wagging tail and wet nose. He loves treats, vintage Telecasters, and Elvis Presley. Come on by some time to meet Henry; he aint nothin' but a hound dog!